Goodbye, June

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I've been meaning to write something—anything—for a while now, but then Katie prodded me earlier today, so here we are.

Though, in my defense, the fact that it is summer would hopefully lead me away from my computer screen, to the outdoors, or to my living room, accompanied by a book. "Somewhere else," generally, feels better after a day spent working at a screen. A movie screen, despite technically being a screen, is a good alternative, too, especially when at movies like Up or Away We Go, both of which I very much enjoyed.

Baseball's been going well. We've improved considerably over the past few games, and if we can continue to score runs as we have in our past few games, I think we've got a legitimate shot at making the final playoff round at the end of July. Having said that, and being overly superstitious, I encourage you to knock on the nearest piece of wood. We can't take too many chances.

Superstition aside, it's been a fun season so far. I've transitioned more or less smoothly to center field, and as of yesterday I started to hit the ball with some sort of authority. Now begins the task of redeeming myself for my many, many feeble strikeouts and grounders from the first half of the season.

There's not much more to say. I've been able to ride my bicycle a fair bit, though still not as often nor as far as I'd like. Work is steady, and Thursday will mark the end of the first half of the internship. It's been interesting, and if nothing else, I can say that my appreciation for the difficulty of table tennis has never been higher.


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