
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A couple quick bits for the road. I need a break between working and studying.

For no particular reason, I remembered last night something I used to do fairly often when I was a kid. I owned a lot of stuffed animals—enough, at least, for me to think that by piling them up under my sheets and curling myself around them, I could lie undetected, disguised against the blob of stuffed animals. I'm laughing to myself now, because there is absolutely no way I fooled anyone, and I have to give my parents credit for humoring me and pretending to not know where I was.

My friend Bess sent me a link to a This American Life episode, which at the very end features Tobias Wolff reading the aforementioned Bullet in the Brain. It's worth the thirteen-minutes it runs, despite minor censorship of a few unfavorable words. One of my favorite parts of my Creative Writing course was hearing other students read their own work, because there always seemed to be interesting discrepancies in how it sounded in my head versus how they read it out loud.


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