Second Day*
Tuesday, March 17, 2009I suddenly remember the utility of training for Spring Break, by way of my tender underside. Too graphic, perhaps, for the casual reader, but it is a remark that must be made.
I am sitting in my bedroom right now, listening to the rowdiest of our three cabins prematurely celebrating St. Patrick's Day—one consequence of an inescapably large climb on Wednesday. My legs are tired, more so than yesterday, after our ride today proved to be an exercise in false hopes and poorly-given directions.
We set out to undertake a moderate climb to the entrance to an old fire road, named "711" (seven-eleven), which we would ascend, briefly descend, and then descend down a better-paved road winding down the mountain. Unfortunately, the directions we followed failed to mention one crucial turn, which led us to first climb the mountain, then climb the other side of 711, and finally descend down a twisting, largely unpaved stretch which we had intended to climb from the outset.
Rain fell occasionally during the ride, but hardest during our final stretch down Highway 19 on the way back to the cabin. Nevertheless, and despite leg fatigue much greater than anticipated, we adopted a strong pace through the pelting rain and made it back in a timely fashion to shower and devour a late lunch.
Tomorrow will be a relaxed ride: the original Jolly Trolley, which will make its merry way along fifty miles of rolling hills and only a couple of short climbs; and will see our group singing songs and enjoying the forecasted 68°F sunny weather. I hear that the weather in Wisconsin has trumped our dismal days here—but it would appear the tables have turned.
* Written on the sixteenth of March.
just say it, brian! you gone done roughed up yer taint*!
i don't know how to comment on these posts :[ KATIE NO KNOW NOTHIN' 'BOUT BICYCLING.
do you miss me, brian!
it's midnight, but i just got home from class an hour ago.
keep on readin', buddy. reading is one of the best things in the entire world.
*oh, my god. vulgar much?
Left by
katie at
March 17, 2009 at 10:01 PM
... sorry about that comment, brian.
Left by
katie at
March 18, 2009 at 11:06 PM
Katie! I miss you! Don't be sorry!
Left by
Brian at
March 22, 2009 at 12:06 PM
Not Your Tender Underside!
Left by
Anonymous at
March 23, 2009 at 4:21 PM
who the hell is this jew kid who always comments but leaves no clue as to who he is?
p.s. you too, buddy! BLOG MORE!
Left by
katie at
March 23, 2009 at 8:02 PM