Odd Reports
Sunday, March 1, 2009I suppose I should apologize for the unsightly math that, up until this point, graced—or cursed, I suppose—the top of the page. Rumors indicate that the frightening juxtaposition of those two theorems caused a few hemorrhaging eye-sockets, one brain aneurysm, and a great deal of scorn for my thoughtlessness and apparent free-time during the mornings prior to my exams. Of course, these rumors could be entirely unfounded, but there's no harm in caution. What follows should at least serve as a buffer between you and the evil statements below.
The past week's flurry of exams made for limited sleep, intense studying, and numerous coffee binges; occasionally spread throughout the day. Fortunately, there will only be two more comparable weeks, one of which is the week of final exams, and the other being the second gamut of midterms. I feel satisfied with my most recent exams, though; and I feel satisfied with the effort I gave in preparing for the exams. If I manage to scrape together some decent grades, all the better.
BRIAN. read my latest post! you'd appreciate it-- it's crazy!
Left by
katie at
March 11, 2009 at 12:32 PM
p.s. you need to blog more?! screw midterms, katie needs reading material [in english-- the mountain of reading i need to to for class does NOT count]!
Left by
katie at
March 11, 2009 at 9:49 PM
p.p.s. i just wanted to do three in a row [plus, a surprising amount of people say p.s.s. rather than p.p.s. and if any of those people should see this i'll have taught them a (somewhat) valuable lesson].
Left by
katie at
March 11, 2009 at 9:51 PM
Katie, you're the best.
You know what? I'm gonna write right after I finish this last problem. Notice the homophone? I thought you would.
Left by
Brian at
March 11, 2009 at 10:48 PM